Friday, September 28, 2012

Rangers Ballpark in Arlington (+22 pts)

On Wednesday night, I drove down to Arlington to take in a game at the creatively named "Rangers Ballpark in Arlington". The stadium was really nice, but I compare ballparks to Turner Field, so anything that doesn't have a Toon Town seems nice to me. I sat behind home plate about 40 rows up and it was Dollar Hot Dog night, which is worth about 18 of these 22 points by itself. My boy Jermaine* hooked me up with some free sauerkraut to top off my dogs. The Rangers got drilled because they slow clapped in the top of the 1st (note: slow clapping never works), but it was still a great experience.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent. And because I don't know his name.

Cumulative Score:
Plano, TX = +33 pts

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