Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Coke products (+7 pts)

Hailing from the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, I grew up on the sweet nectar that is Coca-Cola (except for a brief rebellious adolescent phase in which I drank Pepsi to be "different"). To put it in a ridiculously over-the-top poetic sort of way, Coke is the life-blood of the city. Unfortunately, in most of my travels north of the Mason-Dixon line, Coke products have been inexplicably unavailable. Surely even the inhabitants of the frozen recesses of the North must see that Coke is far superior to Pepsi in the areas of both taste and aggressive advertising!

Happily, that has not been the case in Boston. Every restaurant that I have visited so far has offered Coke, and for that, I commend you Boston.

Cumulative Score:
Boston, MA = -7 pts

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